Page 11 - FINAT Yearbook 2014
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ideas with limited resources’ – was chosen to reflect the challenges the industry faces in terms of rising costs and competitive technologies, but most of all to create a professional platform for grasping, and successfully developing, future business opportunities. Some 40 ‘young managers’ from companies representing the self-adhesive labelling supply chain across Europe and beyond, came together at the Summit to benefit both from a strong agenda that combined the context of the industry with leading- edge management practice, and valuable networking opportunities. For the full report see page 39
3-6 December: FINAT at Labelexpo Asia, Shanghai China
Labelexpo Asia 2013 reached new visitor heights as it celebrated its tenth anniversary edition. Held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) during 3 – 6 December, the four-day
exhibition was attended by a huge number of high quality visitors to see the largest ever floor plan of exhibitors. Messrs Walker and Lejeune were invited to jointly open the exhibition.
Prior to the opening of the show, they were also invited to the General Assembly of the Chinese label association PEIAC, where Mr Walker addressed the 200 delegates present. Messrs Walker and Lejeune also discussed common L9 issues for the future with the Board of the association.
16 January; National Associations’ Board meeting, Istanbul, Turkey
The National Association’s Board (NAB), an initiative of FINAT to improve cooperation and communication between the European national label associations and to discuss matters of common interest, held its annual meeting on 16 January in Istanbul. On this occasion they were joined by Messrs Skordakis and Chatzichrysos, both representing the recently established Greek label association.
The NAB elaborated on themes such as the harmonisation on environmental performance measurement; joint sustainability position paper; the German occupational health Best Practice Guide which was also translated into English by BPIF; international indicators raw material trends survey; schedule of activities in 2014.
After the meeting the members met with representatives of Russian and Bulgarian companies, which are endeavouring to set up a national label association in their respective countries.
17 January: FINAT at the Turkish Label day, Istanbul, Turkey
This year’s Label Day, held on 17 January in Istanbul, marked the 15th anniversary of the Turkish label association ESD. On this occasion also 15 years of close cooperation between ESD and FINAT was celebrated. On behalf of FINAT, Messrs Walker, Hagmaier, Landberg, Lejeune, Frost and Loia attended the congress. FINAT Managing Director
Jules Lejeune was one of the speakers. His presentation focussed on 15 years shared history, keynote statistics and market drivers, the importance of the European and global label associations’ network and FINAT’s vision on the labelling industry. ESD proudly introduced the 1st draft of their self-adhesive labelling guide encompassing the history of self- adhesive labelling in Turkey. During the gala dinner Mr Walker presented ESD with a trophy in recognition of their anniversary and the 15 years of FINAT/ ESD partnership.
Kurt Walker (FINAT) & Aydin Okay (ESD)