Page 9 - FINAT Yearbook 2014
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Board and Executive Board level assessing the results of the present strategy, the Member Survey 2012 as well as the future scope, target groups, value proposition and structure of FINAT. The main objective for the day was to establish a common vision of the future for FINAT as well as a list of actions, targets and deliverables for the coming 3-5 years. The discussions were continued on 28 August in Milan. In the autumn, the FINAT Board finalised the draft strategy plan for the next 5 years.
28 August: FINAT Executive Board brainstorm session, Milan
The continuation of the discussions on the future strategy of FINAT, initiated on 4 July.
23 September: L9 meeting, Steigenberger Grand Hotel, Brussels
label associations met at the Steigenberger Grandhotel in downtown Brussels for their annual meeting. The so-called ‘L9’ is the informal global platform that brings together Ametiq (Mexico), ABIEA (Brazil), FINAT (Europe), JFLP (Japan), LATMA (Australia), LMAI (India), PEIAC (China), SALMA (New Zealand) and TLMI (North America). At the meeting in Brussels, each of the 9 associations presented an update of their programmes and achievements over the past year, the state of the label industry in their region as well as their plans for the coming semesters. Reviewing the presentations it was concluded that there is a lot to learn from each other and delegates took home the inspiration and best practices from their peers elsewhere.
The meeting also agreed on a number of common programmes and initiatives of global importance. The L9 will draft a joint paper explaining the label industry’s position on various sustainability issues. It agreed on the framework and funding of a common Label Associations Portal allowing associations to share documents and programmes and allow volunteer leaders to get connected with peers in other associations. Finally, the L9 evaluated the first edition of the L9 World Label Awards Best-of-the-Best competition and adopted a funding scheme to support the further professionalization of this prestigious event.
24-27 September:
FINAT at Labelexpo Europe
From Tuesday, 24 till Friday, 27 September, 13.00 hrs, FINAT offered short presentations at their booth (11P40) on a number of topics relevant to the label printer:
Quality does it matter?, Tony White, AWA Consulting
Whether you are a brand owner, printer, consumer or a design expert, each of you has a different way of looking at the
finished result. Several views and perspectives to identify a good label were presented.
We have a dream: Matrix waste will be used for renewable energy in EU, Calvin Frost, Channeled Resources
There is a growing concern for sustainability in the labelling industry linked to more regulation restrictions, eco-friendly orientations but also to save costs. The climate changes and limited space in landfills also urge for smarter and sustainable waste disposal. Innovative solutions struggle to be launched in this difficult economic era, with limited investment and risks. The key is to consider waste as a resource and not as a residual. Production by-products can be used for renewable energy relying on a blend of ingredients used to create a biomass product with a calorific value equivalent to coal.
The use of (FINAT) test methods in product design, by Alexander Jansen, Avery Dennison
On 23 September, the day before the kick-off of Labelexpo Europe, representatives of the 9 leading global