Page 69 - FINAT Yearbook 2014
P. 69
This group was won by the Schreiner Group GmbH & Co KG,
Germany for Pharma-Tac Plus Label
Pocketwatch Cabernet Sauvignon
printed by Collotype
Labels, Australia
A very clean attractive
looking label which
catches the attention of
the viewer with half a
watch appearing to be
coming out of a white
envelope. By only using
two colours printed using offset litho plus silver and gold foil the lines remain clean and uncluttered. The gold foil around the watch perimeter highlights the main illustration of the label. The two labels front and back are designed to complement each other on the front and back of the bottle of wine. An overall grain embossing completes the picture. An outstanding result worthy of the judges’ award.
There were 70 Highly Commended awards selected with 18 Category awards (3 joint) and 4 Group awards and a Best
in Show. The Highly Commended certificates will be available during the Congress after the presentation evening for attendees or will be sent soon after the Congress to those who were unable to attend the Congress.
The Best in Show and Group and Category awards were presented during the awards presentation ceremony on the Friday evening of the Congress in Monte Carlo. The FINAT winners of the 2013 WLA judging which took place just before Labelexpo in Brussels last year were also recognised during the ceremony with the presentation of their awards.
Later in the year I will be selecting the best labels from our winners to represent FINAT in the forthcoming WLA judging which will take place the day before the Labelexpo Americas show opens in Chicago in early September.
Anthony White Chairman of Judges
Basically this label combines an information booklet integrated with two peel off parts for documentation purposes and a strong hanger allowing the bottle to be suspended on a rack. Using 9 colours and a combination of printing processes this label offers a solution to an ongoing medical issue of providing information along with the infusion at one time.
Two labels found extra favour with the judges. They are also described in the category awards.
De Bortoli Wines – La Bohème printed by Collotype Labels – Griffith, Australia.
This is a very
attractive label with
an opera theme.
The complexity of
the flowers
surrounding the
central figure adds
an extra depth to
the finished result.
The use of a subtle
buff colour
encapsulates the
main figure very well. The six colours were printed using offset lithography and finished off with a satin varnish.
Jury at work

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