Page 72 - FINAT Yearbook 2014
P. 72
Each year FINAT offers the opportunity to graphic design students from the country in which the annual congress is organised, to design a suitable logo for use on all congress documents and communications, in order to increase visibility of the event. This year’s congress venue is Monte Carlo, Monaco. As no suitable graphic art institutes were found in this country, several colleges and schools running design courses were approached in France.
The winning design was chosen because, in the first place, it highlights FINAT and the place and year of the congress in a very obvious way. Secondly, it splits the congress theme ensuring that the viewers’ eye takes in the whole of the logo. The horizontal lines serve to add interest to the design and the curved lines on either side of the date draw attention to that part of the logo. The type faces are straightforward and the use of only two colours (FINAT house colours) makes reproduction easier and cheaper.
The whole “feel” of the logo evokes memories of the typical designs of the 1920/1930s when fewer colours were utilized for ease of printing and cost savings. The use of Italics for the venue enhances this effect. The highlight lining of FINAT adds to the perceived antiquity of the label along with the
uncomplicated use of horizontal lines to draw attention to the year.
It is important that the design is capable of being reproduced on a variety of media including brochures, leaflets, letter headings and tee shirts using the appropriate main stream printing technologies in the label industry. FINAT congratulates Cathy on her achievement and is looking forward to using the design on all congress promotional material.
The theme of the 2014 congress is “The Battle for Shelf Appeal. Four designs were submitted by the only participant: Cathy Friscia of the CFA Victor Hugo in Carpentras. Cathy will be presented with her award during the FINAT Awards ceremony in Monaco, on Friday, 6 June.
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