Page 17 - FINAT Yearbook 2014
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new generation of companies and business leaders is emerging. A segment of our market without a strong association tradition but led by educated business founders and managers with a more international orientation than their baby boom counterparts in post-war Western Europe. FINAT aims to reach out more prominently to this target group.
5. Repositioning the FINAT organisation: to adapt FINAT’s structure and working practices to the new reality for associations.
Being a FINAT member is one thing, becoming an active FINAT member another. Nowadays ‘time’ is a precious metal for many volunteer driven (trade) organisations and FINAT is no exception. Volunteer work therefore needs to be focused and driven by ‘SMART’ objectives, eliminating unproductive time and resources. As a lean organisation, FINAT will therefore have to reorganise itself into smaller, task oriented subcommittees and taskforces, supported by professional expertise, offering (young) managers international experience. All this will be facilitated by internet based technology designed to share and minimise the workload and thereby reducing the barrier for volunteer work.
featuring top level business executives, with more room for dialogue and audience interaction, and with more choice by offering a variety of parallel streams addressing more in-depth topics of interest to different target groups (marketing, technology, management). Rather than a ‘stand-alone’ event, the new FORUM will be an integral part of FINAT’s annual programme.
2. Introduction of the FINAT RADAR, the new, half-yearly 3600 European label market monitor containing a snapshot overview of the main trends in various stages of the value chain, from the brand owners, via the label converters upstream towards the materials and equipment suppliers (see article on page 20). This unique pan European survey will be an exclusive benefit to FINAT members.
3. Introduction of a series of new technology workshops and webinars. As a first pilot the FINAT is in contact with a scientific institute in the UK to set up a FINAT member programme (workshop or webinar) on printed electronics. At future occasions, FINAT will liaise more and more with specialised external institutes to offer such programmes to FINAT members.
4. Increase the possibility for on-line management development programmes, especially for the younger generation looking for learning experiences. FINAT has acquired technology to facilitate this, and last May, the FINAT Young Managers Club organised its first pilot webinar on CRM. More in this series will follow.
5. Further development of FINAT’s online member community, as the virtual, ‘long distance’ counterpart of face-to-face interaction, to allow members to benefit from FINAT programmes without the necessity of extensive travel. This includes the further development of social media (blogs, special interest groups, customised news monitoring) and the use of new technology to allow ‘live’ or recorded video presentations and interviews (the FINAT business channel). The Board would also like to engage more members through editorial support and by taking polls on topics of special interest. See article on page 50
6. Introduction of the FINAT Recycling Award, to encourage and reward viable (liner) recycling solutions for our industry which may serve as an example for the market and in turn will encourage users to separate spent liners for recycling. The Award was launched in March 2014 and the first Awards were presented at the FINAT Congress in Monaco a few months later (see article on page 59). Visit the FINAT Recycling Portal ( Recycling-Portal ) for more information.
In accordance with these 5 guiding principles, the FINAT Board has set out a detailed plan of actions and initiatives for the coming years, of which the following 10 should become reality over the next 12 months up till summer 2015:
1. A new format for the FINAT Congress, which will be turned into “THE Forum for the European Label Industry”. At the 2015 edition in Amsterdam, FINAT will introduce a new format of its main annual event. It is the Board’s ambition to turn the congress into ‘the Davos of the label industry’, opinion leading, focusing on topics relevant to the business,

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