Page 64 - FINAT Yearbook 2014
P. 64
The number of entries for this year’s competition remained more or less stable at 241 with 49 companies from 25 countries submitting samples for the judges to examine. Two new countries were added to the list including Ile’ de la Reunion and Latvia.
The jury reported that the quality level had been maintained at a high level once again with 91 entries winning an award (either trophees or highly commended certificates). Two labels caught the judges’ attention, the merits of these will be discussed later. It still appears that registration issues continue to be an ongoing problem. Entrants should remember that the judges take a considerable amount of time examining each entry with the standard printers’ loupes and mis-register means disqualification at an early stage in the proceedings.
The “Best in Show” and “Printing Processes Group Winner” awards went to Multi Labels, United Kingdom for “The Irishman Single Malt” label. This label received consistently high marks from the technical and design judges. Comments were made regarding the complexities which had to be mastered in the production of this label. At first glance this label looks simple to produce but the facts tell another story. The generous use of delicate gold hot foiling especially in the signature and reversed out areas is worthy of note. The fact that 10 colours were used to achieve the finished result along with embossing and varnishing in a single pass is testament to the degree of control required to produce this label to such a high standard. A combination of the best attributes of the flexo and screen processes have produced the result which merits the Best in Show.
The Marketing – End Uses Group Winner is
Collotype Labels – Griffith, Australia for De Bortoli Wines – La Bohème.
From left to right: Mike Fairley (acting chairman), Rik Oltho Bernard Plat, Murat Sipahioglu, Steve Wood, Bill Bruce
This is a very attractive label with an opera theme. The complexity of the flowers surrounding the central figure adds an extra depth to the finished result. The use of a subtle buff colour surround encapsulates the main figure very well. The six colours were printed using offset lithography and finished off with a satin varnish.
The Non-Adhesive Group was won by
Masterpress S.A., Poland another newcomer (the same category was won by a new entrant last year) for Heineken The Future – Limited Edition. This sleeve has immediate eye appeal with stars in abundance! The use of silver foiling makes the label stand out on the bottle. Using 9 colours, UV and solvent flexo and gravure makes this a complex label to print.
The Innovation Group winner was won by the Schreiner Group GmbH & Co. KG, Germany for Pharma-Tac Plus label. As usual the entries in this category are fairly complicated, this one is no exception. Basically it combines an information booklet integrated with two peel off parts for documentation purposes and a strong hanger allowing the bottle to be suspended on a rack. Using 9 colours and a combination of printing processes this label offers a solution to an ongoing medical issue of providing information along with the infusion.
This year the majority of the entries arrived in good time to allow the FINAT staff to input the information about each label in plenty of time and there was not the usual last minute rush to ensure that all the documentation was included. No
Jury chairman Tony White overseeing through Skype