Page 18 - FINAT Yearbook 2019
P. 18
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ilability o e brand- randing
anies han
Ultimately, FINAT could organise a dedicated workshop or trai
FINAT’s role will continue to be helping converters with solid analysis of all available technologies (an issue that
is already foreseen in the upcoming Technical Seminar Barcelona), and to gauge the evolution of press
• Repositioning as consultant. Label converters should r installations in the industry by setting up a quarterly monitor similar to the quarterly labelstock statistics.
that the latest investment made by converters around the table w
technology investment identified three drivers that determine
In today’s digital age, the procurement of labels is no lo
e roundtables on technology investment identified three drivers t
the right balance for new technology investment.
buyer and seller. Not only has procurement become mo
chnology investment.
centralised and is this increasingly carried out via electr
t-driven sector – the customer wants the correct price for his label,
conventional and digital is coming down, on the other, The roundtables identified 3 important aspects of online
– the choice of which is based on the total cost of ownership (TCO) to iv. NextGen Workforce
average run lengths of digital printing equipment are going up. The challenge is to find the right balance between capacity and market demand.
marketing for future strategy:
• Online presence adds a new dimension to the way we
converter•s wCoitsht: slaobliedl parninatilnygsiis ostfillaallcaovsat-idlaribvelen tsechtonro–lothgeies (an issuetthhceaolmtabmeulnincadtuesatnrdy idntoertaoctewnisthuroeurthcuesatolmigenrms aendt of education syst
c h n i c a l S e m i n c u a s r t o B ma r e c r e w l o a n n t a s ) t , h a e n c d o r t r o e c g t a p u r i g c e e f t o h r e h i e s v l a o b l u e l t , i r o e n g a o r d f l p e r s e s s o s f technology used – the choice of which is based on the total
A s p t r o h s i p s e t c o t p s . i c A p w a a r t s f r n o o m t t d h i e s c c u o s n s v e e d n t i d o u n a r i l n r e g l a t t h i o e n s g h e i p n e r a l r o u n d t a b l e management, it is now also a matter of being present AND
p a quarterly monitor similar to the quarterly labelstock statistics.
follows is the perspective of the incoming generation of label i
cost of ownership (TCO) to the customer.
visible online via social media and content marketing, and by turning websites into webshops. This may generate
subconscious and conscious mind of these people at t
and this requires a mindset of selling added value rat
rather than ‘label printers’. In the latter case, they us point, in the former, they rebrand themselves from th
f digital label printing equipment is more and more be owners. Whilst the increasing demand for ever shorte is evident, the inherent over capacity is also a business
dling this dilemma?
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com r ruc ris
IIn. MshAoRrKt,EtThINeGrole of marketing is to become an integrated part n today’s digital age, the procurement of labels is no longer
process), and focus on adding value, showing value and selling
only a matter of personal relationships between buyer and
role should be to share insights and knowledge about marketi
eller. Not only has procurement become more impersonal
about the importance and opportunity of marketing innovatio
with procurement departments being centralised and is this
webinars etc., as part of the FINAT star strategy elements ‘Kno
ncreasingly carried out via electronic tenders, in the internet
pace it is also a matter of branding your company via social
ing a
media and content marketing. How are in general terms label
ompanies adapting their marketing strategy?
k. as
onic tenders, in the internet space it is also a matter of
arketing. How are in general terms label companies
nger only a matter of personal relationships between
re impersonal with procurement departments being
wn, on
e marketing for future strategy:
d the
lways ope•n fCoursstomluetri:obnrasntdh-aotwonfefresradreifaflewraeynstoiaptein gfofresaotlutrioenssftohrathe branding your company via social media and content m
marily intereosffterddiffnetrehnetiasotinlugtfieoantu, rtehsefoernthderirepsruoldt,ucatn. Tdhneoy tartehe techn adapting their marketing strategy?
ey are educated about the capabilities of conventional technology
however primarily interested in the solution, the end result,
and not the technology behind it. It is essential that they are
e break-even point between conventional and digital is coming do
The roundtables identified 3 important aspects of onlin
y and market demand.
educated about the capabilities of conventional
of digital printing equipment are going up. The challenge is to fin
• Capacity: On the one hand, the break-even point between
FINAT’s role will continue to be helping converters with solid
business. Identify skills and ‘sell’ a position in our busi
of labels is no longer only a matter of personal relationships between
analysis of all available technologies (an issue that is already
ent become more impersonal with procurement departments being
foreseen in the upcoming Technical Seminar Barcelona), and In short, the role of marketing is to become an integrated part
ed out via electronic tenders, in the internet space it is also a matter of
to gauge the evolution of press installations in the industry by of the sales process (or better: business growth process), and
a and content marketing. How are in general terms label companies
setting up a quarterly monitor similar to the quarterly focus on adding value, showing value and selling value in the labelstock statistics. client-supplier relationship. FINAT’s role should be to share
aspects of online marketing for future strategy:
young talent, you should create a working environment that a
Recruitment and retention of young talent are among the top
label industry. What are the industry best practices in bringing
To attract young talent, you should practice what you preach.
business outside the immediate geographic market reach.
Value added mindset. Search engine optimisation (SEO)
professionals. These could be quite different to the way you ar
and social media marketing enable label converters to
• Firstly, make sure to offer an honest and clear purpos customize their marketing to different ‘persona’ (typical
your (young) employees. Transparency is key. Show a
customer profiles such as ‘product manager X’, ‘designer Y’,
of your achievements, inspire and celebrate!
‘procurement officer Z, etc.). It is up to the converter to get
i n t o • t h e s S u e b c c o o n n d s c l y i o , u m s a a n k d e c s o u n r s e c i t o o u s e m m i b n d r a o c f e t h n e e s we p d e e o v p e l e l o p m e n t s a
at the diffweorernktinstgagheosuorfst.hNeier w‘cudsteovmeelor pjomurenneyts’, aindtethcihs nology (like
already know, but forget about your fax machine. You tech. Make sure you motivate through modern proce
requires a mindset of selling added value rather than on
Repositioning as consultant. Label converters should
demotivating than to be held back by slow and ineffic
reposition themselves as ‘brand consultants’, rather than
• Once your working environment is ‘updated’, make y ‘label printers’. In the latter case, they use their own
work closely with schools to understand talent and op
production technology as the starting point, in the former,
they rebrand themselves from the customer perspective.