Page 17 - FINAT Yearbook 2019
P. 17
requirement from the part of the brand-owners. Whilst the Zooming Hinown FaINreAT-’sinrogle,nitewralstceornmclsud-eladbthealtctohme ipndaunsietrsy hanidnclirnegastihngisddeimleamndmfaor?ever shorter runs, variable information
ii. Technology Investment
How are - in general terms - label companies handling this dilemma? determine the right balance for new technology investment.
does not stop with the self adhesive label; it impacts
downstream users too. We need a better understanding of A survey among participants indicated that the latest
Through its membership of organisations like CITPA (fibre based packaging), ERPC (paper recovery and recycling), Petcore (plastics), as well as its connection with PRE (plastics recycling Europe), EUPIA (printing inks), INGEDE (deinking industry), FEICA (adhesives), RadTech Europe (UV Curing), as well as the glass recycling industry, FINAT, supported by the national label associations, can make the connection with other stakeholder organisations. A stakeholder conference and further expansion of FINAT’s library of guidance documents can be important vehciles to drive the industry’s agenda in this complex arena.
Discussions focused on the triangle Industry – EU Government - FINAT, each with their own complementary roles and drivers.
• The industry has a role to play in developing and innovating commercially viable technology and solutions.
• Government’s role is to develop a vision, policy and corresponding regulatory framework with a longer term impact. Especially when it concerns sustainability, regulatory measures should help to ‘create’ a market.
• Finally, FINAT’s role is to connect the two previous stakeholders through advocacy, customer awareness building, education, best practice development and promoting the development of collective programmes to overcome the logistics infrastructure hurdle.
i s A i c n c c o h r a d r g i n e g o t f o m t a h k e i n g F I s N o A l u T t i o R n A s D a v A a R i l a , b t h l e e , b a u v t a i t i l c a a b n i n l i o t t y b o e f d i g i t a l a l a n b d e p l e p r s r o i n n t a i l n i s g e d e q b u r a i n p d m i n e g n i s t e i s v i md e o n r t e , t h a e n i d n h m e r o e r n e t o b v e e c r o m i n g a
revsepnodnosribrleqfouriardeompetionnt bfryocmustohmeepras.rWt ohfathisealbsoraimndp-oortwanters.cWaphaiclsitytihs ealsinocarebuasinegssdreismk.aHnodwfaorree-vinegresnheorratleterrrmusn-s,
A survey among participants indicated that the latest investment made by converters around the table was
i s v a t h r e i a d b i s l e c u i s n s f i o o n r m w a i t h t i o t h n e a e n n t d i r e p v e a r l s u o e n c a h l a i s i n e . d S u b s r t a a i n n d a b i n i l g i t y i s e v i d e n l a t , b t e h l e c o i mn h p e a n r e i e n s t h o a n v d e l r i n c g a t p h a i s c d i t i l y e mi s m a a l s ? o a b u s i n e s s r i s k . conventional (90%) or hybrid (10%). The roundtables on technology investment identified three drivers that
ii. Technology Investment According to the FINAT RADAR, the availabilit vendor requirement from the part of the bra
• Customer: brand-owners are always open for solutions that offer differentiating features for their how the label interacts with the substrate and impacts investment made by converters around the table was
digital label printing equipment is more and more becoming a
According to the FINAT RADAR, the availability of digital label
wners. Whilst the increasing demand for ever shorter runs,
printing equipment is more and more becoming a vendor
y of nd-o variable information and personalised branding is
evident, the inherent over capacity is also a business risk.
A survey among participants indicated that the latest investment made by converters around the table was
product. They are however primarily interested in the solution, the end result, and not the technology
recyclability of the substrate. conventional (90%) or hybrid (10%). The roundtables on
conventional (90%) or hybrid (10%). The roundtables on technology investment identified three drivers that behind it. It is essential that they are educated about the capabilities of conventional technology.
determine the right balance for new technology investment.
• Capacity: On the one hand, the break-even point between conventional and digital is coming down, on
• Customer: brand-owners are always open for solutions that offer differentiating features for their
the other, average run lengths of digital printing equipment are going up. The challenge is to f|ind the
product. They are however primarily interested in the solution, the end result, and not the technology right balance between capacity and market demand.
behind it. It is essential that they are educated about the capabilities of conventional technology.
• Cost: label printing is still a cost-driven sector – the customer wants the correct price for his label,