Page 26 - FINAT Yearbook 2011
P. 26
public affairs
RepResenting FinAt’s inteRest in the public domAin
In October 2010, representatives from the Board, the Technical Committee as well as the Marketing Committee had a brainstorming session with Public Affairs consultant Paul Verspoor (Sitmae) about FINAT’s future Public Affairs Strategy. At the session, the priority areas of public affairs surveillance were identified. Questions were addressed like: what are the priority areas of concern? In which platforms and on which dossiers do we actively position our interest? Where do we simply monitor and report to our members what is going on? Where can we employ the know-how and expertise of our members? Who are our (potential) allies in the different dossiers? Who takes responsibility at the association level? How can we set up an Early Warning System to avoid surprises? FINAT’s new issues manager Mark Macaré reports.
what is the aim of ‘public affairs’?
Public affairs aims at professionally influencing policymaking at the political level where legislation is drawn up, to regulate unwanted and stimulate desired developments.
what is the importance of actively engaging ‘lobbying’ for finat?
Actively participating in public affairs ensures that FINAT is recognised as a stakeholder in relevant situations and gives FINAT the opportunity to provide decision-makers with sufficient and reliable information about consequences for our industry. Policymaking is about choosing between goals, stakeholders and means, and policies are based on as much relevant information as possible. Therefore, it is important to make FINAT and its position known to the right people.
Furthermore, certain subjects need more specialist input to be able to make a balanced decision than can be expected from generalists such as politicians.
finat lobbying strategy and instruments
Given the list of issues of concern and the limited funds available, FINAT focuses on ‘high level’ issues. In general, the more relevant stakeholders are represented the more weight arguments will have and the more effective lobbying on public issues will be. Therefore, a lobbying strategy generally starts with mobilising other associations with comparable positions to FINAT with respect to certain issues.
Typical activities associated with lobbying and issues management are:
• monitoring latest developments
• writing letters explaining positions
• writing position papers
• providing (technical) information
• visiting symposia and conferences to hear and be heard
• personal conversations with relevant decision makers or civil
• research into possible effects of certain legislation
• mobilising the expertise available within the association
(stakeholder companies and national associations)
• seeking publicity
• trying to attain a strategic position
what are important lobby issues that affect finat at this moment?
There are a number of public affairs dossiers at the moment that are of concern for FINAT:
• Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) • Sustainable Packaging
Mark Macaré
FinAt YeARbooK 2011 |

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